The following news items are reprinted from the Manistee Daily News for the week June 2-8, 1922 and are compiled by Teena Kracht from the newspaper archives of the Manistee County Historical Museum.
“Announcement today that another group of visitors is coming to Manistee in the summer indicated that this city will have an excellent chance to show off to perfection, and to do so to people whose impressions will make or break her popularity.
“The latest group is the Michigan Commercial Secretaries association …
“The members will assemble at Grand Rapids, and start the (automobile tour) at 7 o’clock Thursday morning, July 27. Manistee will be the first night stop, the visitors arriving here about 4 o’clock in the afternoon. About 40 will comprise the party.
“They will be introduced immediately to Lake Michigan where they can wash off the dust of the day’s drive, after which supper will be served. The entertainment in the evening will be a pavement dance … .
“Emil Nord, well known former member of the local police force, today announces his candidacy for the Republican nomination for sheriff at the September primary election.
“A resident of Manistee for 35 years, Mr. Nord has an excellent record of service as a police officer. In his 14 years on the police force, he served eight years as assistant chief … (He) promises, if chosen, to show no favoritism in law enforcement in the county and to conduct the affairs of the office efficiently and economically.
“The work of Police Chief Grady has received suitable recognition by a big town police department, as shown by the following letter received here today from James E. McCarthy, deputy chief of detectives, Detroit. The letter refers to the recent capture of Raymond and Earl Haefner.
“‘I wish to thank you for the wonderful assistance that you rendered my officers while they were in your city. Sergt. Lee Hicks and Detective James Neville have just returned and they have informed me of the valuable cooperation that you gave them.’
Read the full 100 Years Ago section at manisteenews.com.
“When the officers arrived here they had small hopes that they would return with Ray Haefner, who was captured in a deserted shack, which makes the compliment to Chief Grady more significant.
“Reform is a bird that is always flying in our direction but never gets here.
“Longest daylight days of the year are near. They are from June 16 to 23 inclusive, each 15 hours and 17 minutes from sunrise to sunset. Summer begins officially June 22 at 12:27 a.m.
“Kissing his mother never got a man into trouble.
“Cucumbers contain 90% of water. The rest is seeds.
“Bobbed hair is practically all alike. The only difference is the girl.
“If Babe Ruth wanted to throw dust, or mud, or bricks, he should have gone out of baseball and into politics.
“Not particularly important: It takes 5,000 bees to weigh a pound. But a single one packs a punch in his stinger that can make an elephant wince.
“A switch engine emergency air drum exploded in the Burlington railroad yards here late yesterday, the flying steel cylinder head tearing off the left leg of fireman Leslie Bailey, but not otherwise seriously injuring him. — Clinton, Iowa, Herald.
“So-da-licious. That’s what you will say.
“Our sodas are as near perfection as pure ingredients and expert dispensing can make them. You will know the difference between a so-called soda and a real one after you have visited our Fountain. Rich cream, pure fruits and pure fruit flavors, wholesome ice cream and the coolest, livest, sparkling soda obtainable.
“Sanitary service, too, developed to the utmost. Sterilized dishes–these are some of the reasons why we merit your patronage. SPECIAL RASPBERRY FRUIT ICE CREAM With Any Topping … City Drug … .
Pg. 6
“ — and little (dirty) hands cannot spoil a wall painted with U. S. N. Deck Paint. This beautiful, washable, durable paint on porches, floors and walls saves everyone trouble. Meyer & Wahr … .
“Radio, Reeve and Romance. What a combination for fiction fans! Radio forms the basis of the plot–radio, marvelous, mysterious, magnetic! Arthur B. Reeve writes the story; Reeve, creator of Craig Kennedy, scientific detective, hero of fiction, stage and screen, known to millions! Romance–never was a more notable novel penned, replete in thrills, suspense, surprises!
“‘On Wings of Wireless’ is the startling, stupendous story of a band of master criminals who turn man’s greatest invention, the radio, to their purposes. Reeve has written this story on special commission through NEA Service especially for The News-Advocate. Read the first installment in this paper Monday, June 5.
Pg. 7
“Geo. Georgalan Says–
“Tomorrow night, the Lake Shore Pavilion is going to be open to its many hundreds of dancing enthusiasts. It has the finest dancing floor on Lake Michigan, and ‘Spin’ Johnson’s orchestra will furnish the music, but that’s not all that will go to entertain you.
“Arrangements have been made with the Pavilion Management to have my electric piano No. (2) there to furnish you with dancing music at all times. Your nickel in the slot there will buy more real enjoyment than in any other electric piano in the United States.
“I assure you that I’ll keep abreast with the times, with the very latest and best dance music, and shall endeavor to please you at all times. The Palace of Sweets. A Store For All The People.
“Radio. Everybody’s Getting Their Entertainment Via the Air Route.
“Music, opera, sports, news, markets–listen in on them with a Radio Receiving Set.
“It’s the rage of the hour, and the most entertaining and instructive invention of the century.
“Reasonable and easy to install and no upkeep cost.
“We can furnish you a complete set, or the necessary parts to make your own.
“It’s easily done–come in and get details. Manistee Electric Co. RIVER STREET. PHONE 690.
June 3, pg. 1
“A fine example of steady, healthy growth is shown by one of Manistee’s youngest industries, the Manistee Shirt Manufacturing company, occupying the old Watch factory building on Arthur Street.
“Since the start of operations last February, the company, working to capacity, adding to its force and augmenting its equipment, has shown no let-up in production … It now has on hand all the orders it can fill for a year to come, and the force of 70 now employed is kept going at top speed … .
“Announcements today by the Square Meal and Kuehl’s restaurant that all-night service has been inaugurated is received with satisfaction.
“Increased late hour business has impelled the managers of these restaurants to offer continuous 24-hour service. This also will fill a need for tourists who arrive in the city at all hours and are eager for lunches.
Pg. 2
“Miss Harriet Kitzinger and Adolph Kann left this morning via Detroit for Montreal, from which place they will sail next Wednesday for Europe. They will be joined at Detroit by Mrs. Elsie Marx, who will also make the trip abroad, and Mrs. Jack Kann. Mrs. Kann will return home some time next week.
“The series of pre-nuptial parties given for Miss Maud Noud, who is to be married to John Phillips Tuesday morning, will culminate this evening at the Country club when Miss Nina Lorenz will entertain the bridal party and invited guests at 6 o’clock dinner. Miss Noud was the guest of honor Wednesday evening at the Country club at a party given by Miss Doris Canfield; Thursday afternoon at a tea at the Country club given by Mrs. Wade S. Forth; and Friday afternoon at a shower in Masonic Temple given by Miss Cora Louise Nuttall.
“ … All boys and girls who want a HAROLD LLOYD PAPER HAT call at the Lyric Theatre and get one with our compliments.
Pg. 3
“What there is in the summer air to dampen the waves of radio was not strong enough last night, nor other nights in the past week, to prevent a number of Manistee wireless fans from ‘listening in’ to several stations. The remarkable thing about the entertainments last night was the fact that home-made instruments were used.
“Representatives of The News-Advocate, listening in on the instrument of H. D. Harris, of the Manistee Electric company … heard the broadcasting stations at Madison, Wis., and Kansas City, Mo. Earlier in the evening Mr. Harris was in tune with the Detroit stations …
“The instrument of the Consumers Power company picked up Schenectady, N. Y.
“ … The Knights of Pythias lodge … has been experimenting all winter … The Elks have already purchased a set.
“To stimulate interest in manual training among the students in the grades, the Lakeside club is fostering a kite contest among the eighth grade students in the city. The contest will close next Friday afternoon when a kite flying contest will be held at Sands park … The students are making the kites under the direction of Manual Training Instructor A. A. Jones.
“Interest in the coal strike has been postponed on account of the weather.
“Noah Little says: The rain may fall on the just and the unjust but the wise man carries an umbrella.
“Wonder how the pretty little graduates who have their pictures taken today will like their bobbed hair 20 years from now.
“Because Chicago’s police force was on parade, the fire department had to respond to an alarm that a burglar was in a house. Chicago should arrange hereafter to have the police and burglars parade at the same time.
“The bridegroom will be continued this year as an unimportant but indispensable factor in the June weddings.
June 5, pg. 1
“At a meeting of the Board of Education Friday evening … 40 students, 18 of the college preparatory course, 12 of the general course, and 10 of the commercial course, were recommended by Supt. Benj. Klager and the High school faculty for graduation … .
“LOS ANGELES, June 5. — Rudolph Valentino today walked from Judge Handy’s courtroom back into the hearts of the nation’s film worshippers, free from the charge of bigamy … .
“WASHINGTON, June 5. — The senate today cleared the way for the investigation of the high price of gasoline … .
Pg. 3
“The lifting of the Federal special tax of $10 per year on motorboats … is expected to increase the number of small motor boats on Manistee river this summer, as many local owners are known to have ceased operating their crafts because of the $10 tax …
“Manistee a few years ago had a fine fleet of motor boats whose owners formed what was known as the Manistee Motor Boat Club. During the last few years, the use of these boats has greatly decreased, due largely to the $10 tax … .
“The Manistee Independents failed to stage their hoped for comeback yesterday afternoon at Sands park and lost their game to the Arcadia team, 12 to 11 … .
“A large concourse of his townsmen yesterday paid their last tribute of respect to the memory of John Seymour, at impressive last rites held in Holy Trinity Episcopal church … .
“The popularity of a lake shore dance hall was decisively shown Saturday night when a crowd that was almost beyond handling attended (the) opening of the new pavilion at First Street Beach. When the evening’s receipts were counted, it was found that 2,200 tickets had been sold.
“All remarks of spectators as well as dancers were highly complimentary, indicating that the pavilion will be well patronized throughout the summer. Many visitors from out-of-town were among the dancers … .
“As Noah Heap puts it: The flame of genius don’t produce hot air.
“Did you ever stop to reflect that life is made up of Hello and Good Bye?
“Some early roses are beginning to show. Ramblers will bud soon.
“Last year it was predicted that most men would be wearing knickerbockers this summer. Now the girls are beating them to it and the men don’t dare.
June 6, pg. 1
“Beautiful and impressive ceremonies marked the wedding this morning at 10 o’clock in Guardian Angel church of Miss Maude, popular daughter of Patrick Noud, Maple Street, to John W. Phillips, son of Mrs. Anna Phillips, Manistee, and superintendent of the Cooper Underwear company …
“Pink and white flowers were lavishly used in the … decorations. The altar was banked with ferns and palms …
“The bride was beautiful in white charmeuse, trimmed with silk lace and pearls. A bandeau of pearls and lace held the veil in place …
“In the serving of the wedding cake, Miss Doris Canfield secured the ring and Miss Becky Aarons the thimble. Miss Canfield also caught the bride’s bouquet, which was flung from the north veranda of the Noud home …
“The newlyweds … made a quiet departure on the beginning of a month’s honeymoon, destination unknown. On their return they will make their home at west Fourth Street … .
“The world may owe every man a living, but it takes a hustler to collect it.
“The girl who would be as pretty as a picture should (let) nature apply the colors.
“We predict that ‘radio ear,’ a form of corn on the ear, as it were, will be the next new ailment.
“People used to wonder where all the pins went. Now they can transfer their curiosity to Fords. Six million have been manufactured.
Pg. 4
“(Serial) On Wings of Wireless.
“With a siren blast and a swish of dusty air a yellow racer shot past Garrick and Dick before they were a mile down the turnpike, leaving only a kaleidoscopic impression of a girl at the wheel and a fellow lolling back tensely in the other bucket seat.
“‘Ruth!,’ exclaimed Dick as Garrick mechanically threw in more power.
“‘Who was with her?’
“‘Glenn Buckley.’
“Garrick’s motor leaped ahead as he stepped on it. Straightaway down the turnpike they raced. Garrick was just about holding his own. But Ruth had the jump and there was not a chance to pass her. She was too wise a driver …
“A bend in the turnpike … and a dirt road forked off. Ruth slowed up just a bit, turned her head with a pearly smile. ‘I’ve a hunch,’ she called back teasingly, ‘you can’t follow me, Dick!’
“With a wave of her hand suddenly Ruth shot away on the side road … in a pillar of dust cloud … .
June 7, pg. 1
“In the death last night at 9 o’clock of Martin J. Fleming, 108 Cedar St., Manistee lost another of its old and highly respected Civil War veterans. He was commander of the McGinley post, G. A. R., ascending to that office on the death last fall of Allen McKee …
“Death last night was due to a hemorrhage of the brain. Mr. Fleming was taken seriously ill following the exercises on Memorial Day, in which he took part, and was in a critical condition until the time of his death.
“Mr. Fleming was born in Cleveland, Ohio, 76 years ago and had been a resident of Manistee for the past 35 years … He served for close to four years during the Civil War, enlisting in Grand Rapids in the Sixth Michigan Cavalry, Gen. Custer’s Brigade, and serving as chief bugler … .
Pg. 2
“On Friday evening at 7 o’clock the lawn of the Woodrow Wilson school will be the setting for the annual High school lawn fete given by the High school students under the direction of Miss Myrtle Kirster, physical culture instructor …
“The crowning of the May Queen together with the winding of the Maypole is one of the prettiest events in the High school year. Open to the public, it is the wish of school officials that the public avail itself of this pleasure.
Pg. 3
“The meeting of the city commission last night was marked by the largest number of petitions and communications presented in a long time. None, however, were of great importance, except perhaps the Woman’s League asking that proper supervision be observed at the bathing beaches and the dance pavilion. The matter was referred to the chief of police.
“The resignation of Miss Anna Shane as city nurse was accepted, after which Commissioner Mertens made a motion that the duties of the nurse be assumed by the health officer, who may hire help when he needs it, the expense to be met from his salary. The plan was adopted … .
“City mail carriers are sporting new leather bags today.
“Soon time to decide where besides broke we are going on vacation.
“Politicians, nowadays, instead of putting their ears to the ground, may simply pick up the radio receiver.
“Many are called to make a run for public office but few are chosen.
“So live that if your car figures in an auto accident it will beyond dispute be the other fellow’s fault.
“The wild waves are saying that the abbreviated bathing suit will soon come into its own again.
“The mosquito crop promises to be as large as usual. The advance guard has arrived and is industriously at work.
“Indications are that peaches will be plentiful this year and may be had at prices that will make canning in quantity possible to the average housewife.
June 8, pg. 1
“Earl Haeffner, the older of the two Haeffners arrested here last week following the theft of a car in Detroit, was brought back to Manistee yesterday by Sheriff E. M. Hallock, to answer a charge of passing a worthless check …
“His case in connection with the auto theft has been dismissed in the Detroit court. The hearing of the case of Ray Haefner, his brother, it is said, will take place within a few days in the Detroit municipal court. According to reports from Detroit, Ray was the leader of a gang of auto thieves, two more of whom have also been apprehended.
“Plans are now being considered by the Board of Education for changes to be made during the summer months to (the) Woodrow Wilson High school building, providing the expense entailed in doing so is not too great, which will allow the High school to be replaced on the accredited list of the North Central Association …
“The (recommendations of the Association) are:
“1. That the frosting or paint be removed from the upper sash of each window. 2. That the shades be removed from all north windows and all other windows where not needed. 3. That all windows on the east, south and west needing the exclusion of the direct rays of the sun be provided with light colored, very translucent (top-hung roller) shades … Nearly all school buildings not of recent construction are deficient in window space, but lighting can be improved to a marked degree … 4. That the stairs on the east side be widened.
Pg. 3
“The petitions of 19 applicants for citizenship will be heard at the opening session, Monday afternoon, of the June term of circuit court. An examiner from the office of the chief examiner at Chicago will be in the city at that time to conduct the hearings … .
“After he marries and settles down even a tall man may be a little short.
“Everybody lives in glass houses nowadays, and most everybody, it seems, throws stones.
“Bathing season may now be considered officially open. The Secor ‘twins’ plunged in from the breakwater at First Street Beach last night and pronounced the ‘water fine,’ and today they advise everyone to ‘c’mon in!’
“In response to the peeve of one of our recent (male) newly-weds, we are pleased to write a Society Note in a manner which we are sure he will approve. He wails that too little attention is paid to the bridegroom. We’ll endeavor to correct it to a style which can be used for numerous occasions. Let’s go!
“The groom was clad in the conventional bvd, half-hose, low shoes and a suitable full dress suit borrowed for the occasion. He was freshly shaved and had recently had his hair cut. He appeared rather pale, but bore up well. The ceremony was delayed while he looked for the ring. The bride was a well-known flapper, and little can be said in describing her attire. The orchestra rendered ‘Cuddle Up Blues’ at the close of the ceremony. They will reside in Follywood.
“Poor boys often become great and great boys often become poor.
“Noah Little says: A lot of family skeletons wear short skirts nowadays.
“The millenium won’t be here until a man can get a shave Saturday nights without having to wait for a half-dozen haircuts.
June 2, pg. 1
“(Article) T. C. Protests Order Against Knickerbockers.
“TRAVERSE CITY, June 2. — The Chamber of Commerce, Women’s clubs and many prominent citizens have risen in protest against Mayor Lafayette Swanson’s order to Chief of Police Blacken to drive all women in knickerbockers from the streets and arrest any refusing to leave.
“In a public statement Mayor Swanton said that women who ‘displayed their wares’ and wore ‘the somewhat fashionable trimmings’ would get in trouble with the authorities. It will be up to the police, he admitted, to examine all women found downtown in knickerbockers and determine when they are ‘displaying their wares.’ ‘The morals of the present generation of boys is being attacked and I propose to see that they are no longer tempted by immoral dress.’
“Opposition would not deter the mayor from backing up his order.
“When asked concerning his authority to cause the arrest of women on these grounds the mayor asserted he had conferred with City Attorney Parm C. Gilbert and that he was instructed to ‘go ahead.’ Sec. W. J. Hobbs, of the Chamber of Commerce, speaking for the organization directly in charge of the tourist business of the Grand Traverse region, said, ‘The mayor is all wrong. His Knicker campaign is absolutely ridiculous. Such a foolish campaign will hurt everything. The whole city should rise and kill it right now.’
“Concerning the effect on the tourist trade, Mayor Swanton’s only comment was ‘as a class the tourists conduct themselves properly but they are no better than anyone else if they do not.’
June 5, pg. 1
“(Article) Nickers O. K. In Manistee, Mayor’s Word.
“You girls who would like to wear nickers but fear police action, need have no such fears. This is Manistee, not Traverse City.
“Mayor Rademaker today said that the last thing he’d ever try to do would be to dictate how girls and women should dress, especially in Manistee. He believes they know what’s right and wrong, and their own sense of modesty will govern their clothes.
“He intimated, however, that he would draw the line if they used River Street for a bathing suit parade. He has no expectations though, that such action would have to be taken.
“‘So far as nickers are concerned,’ he explained this noon, ‘I think they’re quite sensible. Yesterday I saw a woman in nickers at Traverse City and the outfit was becoming to her.’
“Mayor Rademaker is a frequent visitor in the west. Out there he says women are almost compelled to wear them because of topographic conditions.
“Therefore, nickers are O. K. in Manistee.
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