February 18, 2025


Sublime Arts Bar None

Acrylic Painting – The Modern Genre of Painting

The modern art that is being preferred over canvas or oil painting nowadays is the acrylic painting, which comes handful in many ways. Acrylic painting has become the genre of modern painting due to its flexibility, depending upon the type of ingredients that it is made up of. The water resistant property, of the acrylic painting materials, make it more popular than any other form of painting, where there is a chance of water damage to the paintings on coming in contact with water.

The basic reasons why acrylic painting has been taken up over its primitive forms of painting may be pointed out as follows:

Acrylic paints are soluble with water, but once they are dried up, they are absolutely water resistant and cannot be tarnished by water damage.

Depending upon the composition of the acrylic painting materials, they can represent the properties seen among art made of watercolors or oil paints.

The property or luster effect of acrylic paints vary greatly according to their dilution with water or application of acrylic gels. These may resemble watercolors or oil paints or may even bring out certain unique characteristics of the acrylic painting itself, which would not be available using any other media.

Unlike most other painting styles acrylic painting could be done on any texture ranging from cement to wood, along with the general canvas, plaster, etc.; at times it is also used as fabric painting style, due to the easy dry capacity.

Even removal of acrylic paint does not require the usage of turpentine, as was necessary in case of oil paints, thus reducing the chances of allergies and persistent odors.

Problems incurred while acrylic painting is done!

Though there are various advantages to acrylic painting, there are certain drawbacks to perform it freely and could be considered positive on very few occasions. These may be summarized as:

Acrylic paints provide a very small period of drying time and for that reason, the blending of colors becomes very challenging. In case of oil paints the painter could have his own time allowing the paints to blend among them, before applying them on the texture.

To perform acrylic painting, the person has to be an adept painter, as he would get very less time to blend the colors and apply his requisite strokes dexterously pretty fast. Some consider this to be an advantage, as the paint dries off quickly but others find it a hindrance to their work.

Thus, the necessity of acrylic painting can be observed in a manner that evokes quality of watercolor painting as well as oil or canvas painting, with the help of a single painting style. Acrylic painting may have its cons, but the basic fact remains that it does the same work in much lesser time in comparison to the other form of the art. It is quite natural that an advanced form of painting style like this one would be taken up by professionals only, but nowadays people of various strata have started using acrylic paints to their advantage.